Wednesday, 16 September 2015

How Free is Free Education in Nigeria

I think the idea of providing education free of charge to your subordinates is really interesting, it shows a certain level of concern for development and progress but making people pay for free education is what I'm yet to understand..

I mean nothing is wrong if you do pay their tuition fees and allow them buy uniforms and learning materials like books and pen.. Though some governors have gone the extra mile to provide uniforms and books which made education look totally free in their states.. And to add to all, they have made the school buildings worth a learning environment...

My concern how ever is the fact that despite the fact that some governors after announcing free education as part of the dividends of democracy to their subjects will still ask the state ministry of education to collect levy from the students as money for development.. which brings me to the question "what is the money allocated to the state for education is meant for if not development"

I did attend a public school so I know the kind of development they get their.. You levy them money for library fee and there is no building that is labeled as a library not to talk of having exercise books with hand written notes for them to read, I wouldn't want to talk about science Laboratory cause there might be one but since I wasn't a science student I might not have noticed any for lack of interest...

One time I heard a caller on radio telling the presenter they were asked to pay the sum of five thousand naira for school Identity Card.. Now that is extortion from a principal who thinks the government is corrupt because he is not a politician yet... Well that is Nigeria for you

All I'm trying to say is that they should stop telling us about free education if they will still ask them to pay levy... On my own part when they make campaign promises they should tell us "we will give you free education with development levies" then we know what to expect from them and not them surprising us with development levies when they are in power..

I think I've said my piece and I sure can go take a piss where no one will ask me to pay any levy..

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