Thursday, 25 August 2016

Being Mad and Carefree

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be mad? Sometimes I do, I try to think about what makes them happy every time dey smile, what kind of dream they get when they do sleep.

It's not that I am planning to go mad anytime soon but with the way this country is going one cannot be so sure of his entire sanity anymore.
Truth is sometimes when I look at these mad people roaming the streets carefree I just envy them a little. They could go to sleep anywhere night catches with them, what ever they get they eat not minding if it's bad or not, or if it's even a left over from a sane man's dustbin, they have no time to check their clothes if it's clean or dirty or if it is properly starched or ironed, as long as they could get enough to keep them going it is okay for them.

I have seen a lot of mad people moving about carefree while as sane as I am, i am troubled by everyday life's issue most of which are little one may not take cognisance of.
Please if you want to go mad after reading this you have every right to, at least you won't be bothered about brushing your teeth and taking your bath. As for me I am okay with my state of mind for now.

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