Since the inception of life and man being lazy has been seen as bad as we have been encouraged to work hard if we wish to amount to anything good in life and gain a successful status but at the same time as life progresses we have been encouraged overtime to become lazy as well, sounds crazy right?
Every invention in life that has been geared towards the progress of man kind has been borne out of laziness. This may sound awkward but it's a sincere truth. As we grow we have encountered inventions that has made life easier and simpler for millennials or the world at large.
I remember at a very tender age we owned a black and white TV (not the colors of the TV though but that's how the images appear on the screen), and to switch channels we have to turn a knob which helps us tune the channels we want, then my father came home with a colored TV and it came with a remote control, meaning from the comfort of where we are sitting facing the TV we don't need to walk up to it to tune the channel we wanted we could do that pressing the remote. Now who ever created the remote control thought of how stressful it could be to get up and change the channel and sometimes that knob could be a bit difficult to turn requiring extra extra strength which sometimes after searching for your required channel you might feel drained. So it was out of laziness that the remote control was born.
I could go on to site a lot of examples but then you can take a look at your immediate environment and count how many things you could do without lifting much of a finger. Like fastfoods, Uber services, your kitchen blender, gas cooker etc. All these things were as a result of giving us a stress free life, and these days doing the dishes after eating is not so important if you use disposable plates and plastic spoons.
I'm not writing this article to encourage laziness but think of it, the more we progress the lazier we become. You can as well do a personal research and check all the muscle pulling jobs around you and see how many machines or inventions have not made easy for you.
In conclusion I can say laziness is the bane of inventions that foster human progress.
(C) Nwachi Emmanuel
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